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  1. Security Council Briefing on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question (As delivered by SC Mladenov)

    20 May 2020 Mister President,

  2. Security Council Briefing - 20 May 2020

    20 May 2020 Download security_council_briefing_-_20_may_2020.pdf (143.41 KB)

  3. Statement attributable to the Spokesman for the Secretary-General on Gaza

    15 August 2018... Download statement_attributable_to_the_spokesman_for_the_secretary-general_on_gaza_-_15-08-2018.pdf (139.06 KB) ...

  4. Statement attributable to the Spokesperson for the Secretary General on the release of BBC correspondent Alan Johnston

    4 July 2007 Download sg_statement_on_release_of_alan_johnston_-_4_july_2007.pdf (7 KB) ...

  5. Statement attributable to the Spokesman for the Secretary-General on the situation in Gaza

    5 May 2019... Download statement_attributable_to_the_spokesman_for_the_secretary-general_on_the_situation_in_gaza_06052019.pdf (75.55 KB) ...

  6. Statement attributable to the Spokesman for the Secretary-General – on the announcement of an agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates

    13 October 2020 Download statement_attributable_to_the_spokesman_for_the_secretary-general_-_on_the_announcement_of_an_agreement_between_israel_and_the_united_arab_emirates.pdf (105.36 KB)

  7. Statement attributable to the Spokesman for the Secretary-General on the situation in Gaza

    12 November 2018... Download statement_attributable_to_the_spokesman_for_the_secretary-general_on_the_situation_in_gaza.pdf (275.93 KB) ...

  8. Statement attributable to the Spokesman for the Secretary-General On the situation in the Golan

    28 May 2019... Download statement_attributable_to_the_spokesman_for_the_secretary-general_on_the_situation_in_the_golan.pdf (91.47 KB) ...

  9. Statement attributable to the Spokesman for the Secretary-General regarding Prime Minister Netanyahu’s comments about the occupied West Bank

    11 September 2019 Download statement_attributable_to_the_spokesman_for_the_secretary-general_regarding_prime_minister_netanyahus_comments_about_the_occupied_west_bank.pdf (160.83 KB)

  10. Secretary General's Statement on the Formation of the Government of Lebanon

    9 November 2009 Download statement_on_the_formation_of_the_government_of_lebanon_9_nov.pdf (4.76 KB) ...
