Press releases

  • 17 Jun 2017 - “I condemn yesterday’s shooting and stabbing attack by Palestinian assailants in the vicinity of the Old City of Jerusalem in which one Israeli Border Police officer was killed and at least four others, including civilians, were injured.  My thoughts and prayers are with the families of the victims, and I wish a speedy recovery to the injured.
  • UN Resident Coordinator Robert Piper and H.E. Ibrahim Al-Shaer, Minister of Social Development signing the 2nd UNDAF for the occupied Palestinian territory, covering the period 2018-2022.

    UN Resident Coordinator, Robert Piper and Minister of Social Development, H.E. Ibrahim Al-Shaer, signing the UNDAF for the occupied Palestinian territory, covering the period 2018-2022.

    15 Jun 2017 - In the presence of H.E. Prime Minister Rami Al Hamdallah, and representatives of various ministries, and United Nations Agencies, the United Nations and the Government of Palestine today signed the second United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) for the occupied Palestinian territory, covering the period 2018-2022. 
  • 27 May 2017 - “I welcome reports that Palestinian prisoners in Israeli detention suspended their hunger strike this morning under an agreement reached between concerned parties. I call on all sides to abide by the terms of the agreement and avoid similar heightened tensions in the future."
  • Electrical power transmission lines in Gaza City. Photo: World Bank/Natalia Cieslik

    26 May 2017 - The United Nations Middle East envoy today cautioned that unless urgent measures are taken to de-escalate the crisis now spiralling out of control in the Gaza Strip, there will be devastating consequences for Palestinians and Israelis alike.
  • 18 May 2017 - “I am following with great concern the ongoing hunger strike by Palestinian detainees protesting against their conditions in Israeli jails. The strike is now entering its second month and it is imperative that a resolution be found as soon as possible in line with International Humanitarian Law and Israel's human rights obligations.
  • 09 May 2017 - “I am following with great concern the tense situation in Gaza, where a new energy crisis is now unfolding. Reform of the Gaza Electricity Distribution Company (GEDCO) is essential to improve revenue collection and transparency in line with international standards. The defacto authorities in Gaza must ensure that collection rates are improved and that revenue collected in Gaza is returned to the legitimate Palestinian authorities in order to keep fuel and electricity supply flowing.
  • 01 May 2017 - The persistent absence of progress to resolve the IsraeliPalestinian conflict continues to significantly impede Palestine’s development, according to a new report issued by the Office of the United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process (UNSCO). The parties are overdue to take the necessary steps, on the ground to create an environment conducive to peace, as recommended by the Middle East Quartet.
  • Mosul

    A family displaced by fighting between ISIS and Iraqi security forces carry their belongings as they walk through the destroyed western neighbourhood of Al Mamum, near Mosul, Iraq. Photo: UNICEF/Alessio Romenzi

    21 Apr 2017 - 20 April 2017 – Reporting on the dire situation across the Middle East region, marked by the largest refugee crisis since the Second World War, fractured societies, proliferation of non-State actors and unbelievable human suffering, a United Nations envoy today reiterated the need for a surge in diplomacy for peace to ease the suffering of innocent civilians.
